Publications Library

This database contains our publications dating back to 2004. NOTE: Materials dated prior to September 2021 will be authored under the organization’s former name, the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition (TCJC).

Document Title Issue Area Publication Type Date
HB 2649 (State Jail Diligent Participation Credits)
Testimony |
Conditions of Confinement, Parole & Reentry Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 1205 (Probation Incentives)
Testimony |
Alternatives to Incarceration Fact Sheets and Testimony
CSHB 3758 (Student Misdemeanors)
Testimony |
Youth Justice Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 968 (Youth School Discipline)
Fact Sheet |
Youth Justice Fact Sheets and Testimony
CSHB 1205 (Probation Incentives)
Fact Sheet |
Alternatives to Incarceration Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 348 (School Police Officer Training)
Fact Sheet |
Youth Justice Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 2412 (Mandatory Supervision)
Testimony |
Parole & Reentry Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 349 (School Policing Data Collection)
Fact Sheet |
Youth Justice Fact Sheets and Testimony
SB 1208 (Age of Juvenile Jurisdiction)
Fact Sheet |
Youth Justice Fact Sheets and Testimony
SB 1683 (Mandatory Supervision)
Fact Sheet |
Parole & Reentry Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 1707 (Property Thresholds)
Testimony |
Alternatives to Incarceration Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 2019 (Victim-Offender Mediation)
Testimony |
Alternatives to Incarceration Fact Sheets and Testimony
SB 1076 (Probation & Treatment for Possession Offenses)
Fact Sheet |
Alternatives to Incarceration Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 3351 (Juvenile Adjudication)
Fact Sheet |
Youth Justice Fact Sheets and Testimony
SB 1682 (Assigned Counsel Programs)
Testimony |
Pretrial & Defense Fact Sheets and Testimony