The solutions that will make our communities healthier and safer lie outside the justice system. Here's how we're prioritizing people over policy… Centering the Voices of System-Impacted People STATEWIDE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL TEXAS WOMEN'S JUSTICE COALITION STUDENT LEADERSHIP Providing Educational Resources Publications Library Search this database of our publications dating back to 2004. Our Legislative Activity Learn about our work at the Texas Legislature. Tools for System-Involved Adults Find resources to help navigate the criminal legal system. "One Size Fails All" Series These reports examine how Texas fails undervalued and marginalized populations. County Dashboards Explore visualizations that put local justice system data right at your fingertips. County Resources Map Find local reentry and justice resources for adults in your county. Glossary Want to know what that acronym stands for? Find those, plus definitions for key justice terms. Response to COVID-19 Learn how we're responding to the threat of COVID-19 in Texas' justice system. Opportunities to Get Involved Advocate at the legislature Tell us your story share on social media Volunteer to take action Stay Informed with Our E-Newsletters Donate