Publications Library

This database contains our publications dating back to 2004. NOTE: Materials dated prior to September 2021 will be authored under the organization’s former name, the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition (TCJC).

Document Title Issue Area Publication Type Date
SB 991 (Medical Parole)
Testimony |
Parole & Reentry Fact Sheets and Testimony
SB 110 Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation)
Fact Sheet |
Parole & Reentry Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 2855 (Non-Disclosure)
Fact Sheet |
Parole & Reentry Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 529 (Juvenile Certification)
Testimony |
Youth Justice Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 3531 (Peer Educator Programs)
Testimony |
Conditions of Confinement Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 2289 (Adult Corrections Agencies Sunset Bill)
Testimony |
Alternatives to Incarceration, Conditions of Confinement, Parole & Reentry Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 2736 (Split Sentencing)
Testimony |
Alternatives to Incarceration Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 2405 (Drug Reclassification)
Testimony |
Alternatives to Incarceration Fact Sheets and Testimony
CSSB 1517 (Youth in Seclusion)
Testimony |
Youth Justice Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 1266 (Adminstrative Segregation)
Testimony |
Conditions of Confinement Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 2849 (Penalty Thresholds)
Fact Sheet |
Alternatives to Incarceration Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 3079 (Landlord Liability)
Fact Sheet |
Parole & Reentry Fact Sheets and Testimony
SB 977 (Orders of Non-Disclosure)
Testimony |
Parole & Reentry Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 3634 (Juvenile Jurisdiction Task Force)
Fact Sheet |
Youth Justice Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 1318 (Juvenile Detention Hearings)
Testimony |
Youth Justice Fact Sheets and Testimony