Alternatives to Incarceration

A Failure in the Fourth Degree: Reforming the State Jail Felony System in Texas

A Failure in the Fourth Degree: Reforming the State Jail Felony System in Texas

The Texas Criminal Justice Coalition released the second report in its “One Size FAILS All” report series. The report, A Failure in the Fourth Degree: Reforming the State Jail Felony System in Texas, demonstrates through data and personal interviews with 140 incarcerated individuals the defective nature of Texas’ state jail system, and it puts forth actionable policy recommendations for consideration by the 2019 Texas Legislature.

Harris County jail launches suicide hotline for inmates

Harris County jail launches suicide hotline for inmates

Still reeling from two recent inmate suicides, the Harris County jail on Monday launched a crisis hotline for prisoners, a novel approach to mental health that’s believed to be one of the first such efforts in the country.

Read the rest of this article at the Houston Chronicle

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