Conditions of Confinement

Fort Bend sheriff pushes back against criticism over jail suicides

Fort Bend sheriff pushes back against criticism over jail suicides

The Fort Bend County sheriff is pushing back against criticism of his agency following two reported jail suicides this fall, including a state report citing the jail for violating minimum standards.

Read the rest of this article at the Houston Chronicle.

[2017 Session] Ensure Critical External Oversight of the State Correctional System

Policy Background:

The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) has a variety of internal accountability mechanisms, including the offender grievance process, the Ombudsman office (which handles inquiries from the public), and the Office of the Inspector General (which conducts investigations and policy monitoring).

The Harris County Jail Got So Crowded the Sheriff Delayed Inmate Transfers

 The Harris County Jail Got So Crowded the Sheriff Delayed Inmate Transfers

County officials have known for some time that the Harris County jail is overcrowded with inmates who haven't yet been convicted of a crime, who are there in many instances just because they can't afford to pay bail before trial.

Read the rest of this article at Houston Press.

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