Publications Library
This database contains our publications dating back to 2004. NOTE: Materials dated prior to September 2021 will be authored under the organization’s former name, the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition (TCJC).
Document Title | Issue Area | Publication Type | Date |
CSHB 3303 (Primary Caretakers & Young Adults on Probation) Fact Sheet | |
Alternatives to Incarceration, Women's Justice | Fact Sheets and Testimony | |
CSHB 3227 (Women's Programming & Peer Support) Fact Sheet | |
Conditions of Confinement, Parole & Reentry, Women's Justice | Fact Sheets and Testimony | |
HB 4009 (Victim-Offender Mediation) Fact Sheet | |
Alternatives to Incarceration | Fact Sheets and Testimony | |
HB 2991 (Restorative Justice) Infographic | |
Youth Justice | Fact Sheets and Testimony | |
HB 63 (Civil Penalty for Marijuana Possession) Fact Sheet | |
Alternatives to Incarceration | Fact Sheets and Testimony | |
HB 4169 (State Jail Reform) Fact Sheet | |
Alternatives to Incarceration | Fact Sheets and Testimony | |
HB 344 (Raise the Age) Fact Sheet | |
Youth Justice | Fact Sheets and Testimony | |
HB 3303 (Primary Caretakers on Probation) Fact Sheet | |
Women's Justice | Fact Sheets and Testimony | |
HB 2169 (Feminine Hygiene Products in County Jails) Fact Sheet | |
Women's Justice | Fact Sheets and Testimony | |
HB 2168 (Truama Screening) Fact Sheet | |
Alternatives to Incarceration, Conditions of Confinement, Women's Justice | Fact Sheets and Testimony | |
Women's [In]Justice Day Flyer |
Women's Justice | Informational Flyers | |
HB 363 (Independent Prison Oversight) Infographic | |
Conditions of Confinement | Fact Sheets and Testimony | |
CSHB 650 (Dignity for Incarcerated Women) Fact Sheet | |
Women's Justice | Fact Sheets and Testimony | |
HB 3227 (Equal Access to Programming) Fact Sheet | |
Women's Justice | Fact Sheets and Testimony | |
HB 1389 (Primary Caretaker Consideration) Fact Sheet | |
Women's Justice | Fact Sheets and Testimony |