Alternatives to Incarceration

Even in Texas, Mass Imprisonment Is Going Out of Style

Even in Texas, Mass Imprisonment Is Going Out of Style

It promises to be a bleak four years for liberals, who will spend it trying — and, most likely, failing — to defend health care, women’s rights, climate change action and other good things. But on one serious problem, continued progress is not only possible, it’s probable. That is reducing incarceration.

Read the rest of this article at The New York Times.

Drug charges still possible in Memorial Villages after county says it will not prosecute

Drug charges still possible in Memorial Villages after county says it will not prosecute

On the surface, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg's new marijuana diversion program, which allows for possession of four ounces or less without criminal charges, may seem like a green light to travel with small amounts of the drug throughout Harris County. But if you're caught in the Memorial Villages, dreams of lighting up without fear of consequences could go up in smoke.

Read the rest of this article at the Houston Chronicle.

[2017 Session] Allow Pretrial Victim-Offender Mediation, Which Holds Individuals Accountable and Facilitates Meaningful Resolution

Policy Background:

Victim-offender mediation has produced successful results in many states.1 Participants must take responsibility for their conduct: apologize to and compensate the victim, and perform community service.  The program allows victims to choose to be involved in the process of correction and rehabilitation, where they can discuss the impact of the crime and specify what is needed to make them whole.  When offenders are given a chance to understand

Texas Advocates Show Support for Alternatives to Incarceration

Texas Advocates Show Support for Alternatives to Incarceration

A diverse group of more than 100 Texas legislators, community leaders, addiction experts, entertainers, inspirational speakers, and people impacted by the justice system convened on Friday, March 10, at the State Capitol to raise awareness for substance use disorder and support for treatment and rehabilitative opportunities as an alternative to incarceration in Texas.

Read the rest of this press release here.

Nonprofit Aims to Reroute Drug Users to Recovery Instead of Jail

Nonprofit Aims to Reroute Drug Users to Recovery Instead of Jail

On Friday, the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition expressed faith in the seemingly irredeemable at a day-long program meant to humanize substance abuse. The audience at the State Capitol heard from people who have walked the difficult path to recovery.

Read the rest of this article at Time Warner Cable News.

Panel To Explore Future Of Criminal Justice In Texas

Panel To Explore Future Of Criminal Justice In Texas

A recent report by the State of Texas Legislative Budget Board projects that incarceration rates for adults and the juvenile population will “remain stable” through the year 2020, with residential populations expected to remain at or below capacity.

Read the rest of this artilce at Kstar.

Unlikely allies form united front on criminal justice reform at summit

Unlikely allies form united front on criminal justice reform at summit

Imagine a political cause that is so powerfully moving that it can bring together people and organizations that normally campaign against each other, and have them call with one voice for something meaningful to be done.

Read the rest of this article at the Watchdog Arena.

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