Alternatives to Incarceration

EDITORIAL: Crime doesn't pay, but justice still costly

EDITORIAL: Crime doesn't pay, but justice still costly

Wise observers of the Texas Legislature have learned to temper their expectations before each session. Yet there was a secret hope that the twin engines of liberal and conservative supporters could push important criminal justice reforms over the finish line.

Read the rest of this article at Beaumont Enterprise.

Expanding Harris County’s successful drug diversion program will further improve public safety outcomes and save taxpayer dollars

Expanding Harris County’s successful drug diversion program will further improve public safety outcomes and save taxpayer dollars

In October 2014, Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson partnered with local law enforcement to establish the First Chance Intervention Program, a rehabilitative diversion program for individuals with first-time, Class B misdemeanor marijuana possession offenses.

Read the rest of this article at the Houston Chronicle.

Jenkins, Neill: Harris County should stop jailing small-time drug offenders

Jenkins, Neill: Harris County should stop jailing small-time drug offenders

Drug policy in the U.S. is changing. After more than 40 years of a War on Drugs that did little to curb supply or demand of illegal highs, jurisdictions across the nation are reconsidering their approach to drugs and drug users, with special emphasis on finding alternatives to incarceration.

Read the rest of this article at the Houston Chronicle.

Texas Tribune event tackles future of criminal justice

Texas Tribune event tackles future of criminal justice

In an effort to give people a perspective of what the future holds, the Texas Tribune is hosting a series of public events across the state that where lawmakers and analysts will cover eight major policy areas such as criminal justice, energy, the environment, health, higher and public education, immigration and transportation.

Read the rest of this article at The Item.

Why Latinos Are Leading the Charge to End the Drug War

Why Latinos Are Leading the Charge to End the Drug War

Each year, the United States observes National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15. The Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) is celebrating the month this year by launching Somos DPA, an online tribute that recognizes the “significant and far-reaching” contributions of Latino drug-policy reformers to end the war on drugs.

Read the rest of this article at PanamPost.

The Fair Sentencing and Fair Chances National Tour Heads to Austin

The Fair Sentencing and Fair Chances National Tour Heads to Austin

The Coalition for Public Safety and Right on Crime took the Fair Sentencing and Fair Chances National Tour to Texas yesterday, hosting a public event at the Texas Public Policy Foundation in Austin.

Read the rest of this article at The Coalition for Public Safety.

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